Hello blog. Sorry I neglected you for so long. You see, I've been busy with shows, creating songs, recording a new 7 inch, and trying to figure out where my life will go come 7.25 (the day my current job is over). Job searching simultaneously in Japan and America is strange and disorienting, and it only makes the choice of where I want to go next harder. :\ I will never again work as an English teacher, I have firmly decided this, so trying to get jobs here without completely fluent Japanese is proving to be a bit more challenging (and I really need to get some motivation so I can get myself over to the hello work office or something). Anyway, if anyone out there has advice, let's hear it! Other wise, enjoy some pictures from the last two months of busy touring. :) So, in no particular order...
Parkmates + Thirsty Chords + LEEWAY = Drunk Assholes :D |
We of course had to make a stop to see the almight tanuki gods... |
...and have dinner with the ELMOC girls before our Tokyo Show (5.25)... |
...and be beautiful together at the after party... |
....and have Kentaro (The Little Serval) proclaim his love to me after the DELSOL show in Kitakyushu (6.23)... |
...and watch Mall being classy with Wine.. |
...and watch the INFRO guys be beautiful. Two days of hanging out with them was fuuuun~ (6.23-24... |
...and try to be serious about a song in Tokyo, Hachiouji... |
...and never have Matto be captured on film at anytime.... |
...and hear that the Horse and Deer boys bought our CD from Base! <3 Oh Koge.... |
...and practice a shit ton... |
...and find out that Parkmate's Matsuda of course had to be.... himself... |
..and were officially joined by Mall, who replaced our other guitarist Arase.... |
...and recorded five full band tracks for a new 7 inch... |
...and one acoustic.... |
...and bothered Moriwaki in the control booth.... |
...and I got excited about recording vocals while everyone STARED at my back... |
...and we jammed at UTERO in Fukuoka (6.24)... |
...and got another night of encores! |
Of course, we also finally got a video on youtube. Busy two months. If anyone is interested in hearing our new 7 inch, it's uploaded here on bandcamp:
Sick Of Nostalgia