Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year! 明けましておめでとうございます!

After a very late night out in Kyoto with some old coworkers (went out dancing until 4:30!), me and my travel buddy decided to just stay in for new years eve and watch the NHK Kohaku Utagasen in her house in Mie Ken. We are going to Ise jinja for hatsumode tomorrow morning and then to the wedded rocks. It feels lame not going out for new years eve, but excluding one new years eve three years ago, I don't really ever go out for new years eve. Plus, we've been traveling so much recently... I'm at the breaking point and just need to rest and chill out for a night. :P

I hope the omikuji I get tomorrow is a good one! I need a lot of guidance this next year. Farewell 2011. You started out rough and slowly turned good. All I hope is that 2012 will continue the same and I won't have so many rough patches. I'm ready for you, 2012!!

I think everyone's expressions sum up my year: weird, scared, excited, apathetic. hahaha

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